Yordanos Josef

Circus Artist and Media Manager

Yordanos Josef

Circus Artist and Media Manager

Tigistu Kinfe

Deputy Manager and Coach

Tigistu Kinfe

Deputy Manager and Coach

Behailu Yosef

CEO and Coach

Behailu Yosef

CEO and Coach
Coach Behailu Yosef (Coach of Sheger Circus Club) Personal Profile  Since the time we have started our Circus & gymnastic, I have had a great interests and have had contributed an immense enthusiasm for the new work flows in the sector to accomplish as needed and deepened upon the interest of the circus lovers. These all had played a very significant contribution for our Circus School built. As noted above I have had played my share for the growth of the circus art in Ethiopia, in Addis Ababa and many more, besides creating an economic role and Social bondage with the Club it self, members of the club, their families and country to country tines in the cultural aspect astonishingly. During my stay, in the Circus School & its surrounding I had also accomplished an art activities and various logistic. Among the various contributions which I proudly accomplished far: When I first establish my own circus school, it took me my maximum potential to exert on both artistic works and too much expenses. Before my circus activities establishment - as there were various circus schools and mangers, it played a pivotal role to initiative to start my circus school. And by the time now, it has surpassed it's great activities beyond school and it is running it's mission to promote and entertain Ethiopians at home and the rest of the world, being an influential and youth and children artists that have all rounded knowledge in many aspects including their well built discipline. As a whole for these my fruitful and rigorous efforts - it feels me a very great pleasure and delightful impression. As noted above all we had an immense contribution in Ethiopia - be it working with individuals and with organizations and institutions including the government bodies which are among other things to be mentioned here below: We had performed in the Nation, Nationalities and People's program that were at Hawassa stadium - that was a profound and remarkable and helps us to get very great popularity. In various regions of Ethiopia: Like in Amhara, Oromia, Southern Nation, Nationalities and People's, and Somali regions to mention a few - we had played a great role presenting our performance along with a renowned company that was "Bluestar" for the consecutive two years since 2004-2006 E.C. During that time we had created various awareness on family planning, hepatitis and other communicable diseases through performing more than 60 mind blowing circus shows to the public


  1. The show in Adama when the Nation Nationalities and People's Day was also a breath taking show which I was leading the Sheger Circus Troup surprisingly and proudly.
  2. In Mekelle,1 had also presented Nationwide - Whole Ethiopia Sport Competition, which was my very great and astonishing effort to be prominent across the nation.
  3. ln Addis Ababa, the capital city - we had performed in various schools to motivate and energize the students in their academic endeavours, at many Embassies in Ad‹ds Ababa, and Cultural centers: For instance, French, Germany, Australia Embassies can be noted.
  4. ln the Private Schools: American School, School of Tomorrow, Saint Joseph, and at Cathedral Schools - we had presented our show.
  5. In the Fabrics: BiGI Ethiopia, Walks, and at MOHA Soft drinks.In the Hospital's: At Zewuditu and Black Lion's Hospital.
  6. In the Public Gathering Areas: At Meskel Square, Menilik II Round About Memorial and at Jan Meda - where Ethiopian Epiphany celebrated.
  7. Similarly, at Abebe Bikiela Stadium, Biherawi Stadium, at Hagere Fikire Theatre, at the City Manicipality Hall - I had played a pivotal role to entertaining the community, which feels me absolute pleasure to do those activities that indicate the social and economical impacts.
  8. During the time of CORONAVIRUS, I had also played my share to the public to create awareness somewhere on at the huge avenues and public squares.
  9. At the National Theatre Hall- under the title "Circus for Peace, Peace for Ethiopia" we had shown a great performance.
  10. Concerning my Club Artists which I gave them training, I can state as follows:Trio Black Diamond, Trio Act,Trio Golden Sisters, African Hand
  11. Voltage Troupe, Africa Nova Troupe, Duo Hong Owoch, Fitsum Foo Tiny, Dio Head Star, and Dio Anti Oldest A.S. To conclude, With in all such training - I had contributed a lot enabling more than 150 Circus artist's in the sector and enabled them to be their country's pride through playing their share in the sector. From June 30, 2015 up to June, 2016 Japan Pop Circus
  12. 2016 Turkey Solo Lader Yared Act
  13. 2017- germany & france african cultural show Solo Lader Act (jabula africa) 2017 25th international de cique du massy we received special prize from mosco nikulin circus (Trio black diamonds)2017 16" Moscow nikulin international youth cicusa festival won Gold prize and win special prize from festival international cirque monte carlo
  14. From September 6, 2016 up to January 10, 2017 G.c at Spain Portaventura park From March 20, 2017 up to September 12, 2017 G.c at Spain Portaventura park From December 12, 2017 up to February 26 , 2018 G.c                                                                               Germany and Switzerland Mother Africa
  15. From April 18, 2018 — April 18, 2019 Turke Ciique Africa
  16. From April 16, 2018 up to November 6, 2018 G.C at Spain PortaYentura park From December 2, 2014 up to December 17, 2018 G.C at France PhenixFrom December 18, 2018 — January 10, 2019 Italy Gardaland Park Circus Festival
  17. From December 2 — December 9, 2019 G.C Yekaterinburg ans we won Bronze Medal and Special Prize
  18. From February 8, 2019 up to March 20, 2019 G.C at Australia Cirque Africa
  19. From August 7, 2019 up to September 1, 2019 G.C at Japan little world museum of man
  20. From September 2, 2019 up to September 9, 2019 G.C Russia Nikulin Festival (Special Prize)
  21. From November 11, 2019 up to November 18, 2019 G.C At Vietnam Ha long wortd festival (Bronze Medal)
  22. From November 26, 2019 up to Decemkr 26, 2019 G.C France Cirque De Noel De Toluse
  23. From December 8, 2019 — January 22, 2020 Belgium Boxataiiono Circus Festival
  24. From January 20, 2020 — April 20 Ukraine Africa Show (Trio Black Diamond) From April 02,
  25. 2020 — May 02, 2020 1 Online Circus Festival
From February 12, 2020 up to march 20, 2020 at Australia Cirque Africa
2017 Phenix ciré[ue Africa 3 (Trio and duo antipode)
2017 TV show le plus grand carpet du monde (Trio black diamond)
2018 Africa africa in Germany, Austria, Switzerland (Trio black diamond)
2018-Turkey mother africa
2018 -united kingdom (mother africa)
2018- usa (mother africa)
2018 Gudlope with cique phnix (Trio black diamond)
2018 The First artistic Ethiopian aerobatic gymnastics Competition we won 2
gold trophy (trio)
2018 Spain Circus Charlie rivel
2018 Festival international des aitstes de cique de saint paul les dax. We won
silver prize and special prize from cirque du soleil and pix Special du public
    (tri ) 2019 Halkien circus in Switzerland (trio black diamond)
2019 Ulmer weihnachtscicus in Germany (trio black diamonds)
2019-Kazakhstan (intrnational circus fastival of echo of asia) with  bronze prize
2019--baharan Solo lader Act (cirkafrica)
2020 13" Budapast circus festival we won special prize from the
2020 13 Budapest circus festival we won special prize from the federation
mondiale du cirque
2020 9" edition of new  generation festival international du cirque de monte
Carlo we won Bronze prize. Prix Carrefour Monaco prix de le diction de
leducation national de la geneses et des sports. Prix tmc monte carlo.
2020 Capital circus of Budapest
2020-france (phenix)
2020--guwadelope (cirkafrca 3)
2021--Switzerland (circus harlkin)


  1.   Circus Ethiopia in addis abab Coching certificate
  2. Ethiopian Gymnastic fedemtion instructor Certificate
  3. olympic Solidarity Certificate in Arthistic Gymanstic
  4. International Olympic Committee in Sport Medicine Course
  5. I am student in Damat University College Entrepreneurship and Marketing mangement Diploma Program
  6. I have Addis Ababa University Fine art School Diploma And now 1 study management in Admas University with degree program


Acrobatics Sport Acrobatics and So many Circus Acts Circus Cerography


Language   Reading   Listing Writing Speaking
Amharic Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
English Excellent Excellent Very good Very good

Shewalem Welde

Board Member

Shewalem Welde

Board Member


Board Member


Board Member

Artist Dawit Abate

Board Member

Artist Dawit Abate

Board Member